Journal of Bioterrorism & Biodefense: Independence of Iraqi Kurdistan, Iran’s National Security and Possible Scenarios
Abstract From 1991 to today, the debate on the independence of the Kurdistan region of Iraq has...
[read full article]Abstract From 1991 to today, the debate on the independence of the Kurdistan region of Iraq has...
[read full article]«No boots on the ground !». Tel était le mot d’ordre dans les chancelleries et les états-majors occidentaux,...
[read full article]Justice for Kurds co-founder Thomas S. Kaplan on why museums and other places of wonder must not...
[read full article]La Turquie dénie aux Kurdes le droit de jouir de leur identité sur son territoire. Le témoignage...
[read full article]Nechirvan Barzani a été élu, le 28 mai dernier, Président du Gouvernement régional du Kurdistan (GRK) d’Irak,...
[read full article]Outre s’inscrire en bonne place dans la lignée des bouffons politiques qui, de Caligula et Néron à...
[read full article]“Our only friends are the mountains.” So goes the fatalistic Kurdish proverb, encapsulating the catalogue of duplicity and betrayal...
[read full article]Editorial du « Monde ». Seul contre tous ou presque, Donald Trump a ordonné le retrait de l’armée américaine...
[read full article]WASHINGTON -- President Trump's abrupt decision to pull American troops from Syria is riskier than it looks....
[read full article]I returned this year from military service in northeastern Syria, where the U.S. has supported local Kurdish,...
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