The Yesterday of Tomorrow
Thirty years ago, Iraqi aircrafts dropped chemical bombs on Halabja, penetrating sweet-apple & clove gasses into the...
[read full article]Thirty years ago, Iraqi aircrafts dropped chemical bombs on Halabja, penetrating sweet-apple & clove gasses into the...
[read full article]Excerpts of the below article, “La force, oui. Au service du Droit” have been translated from the...
[read full article]Il y a peu de génocides dans l’histoire contemporaine. Il y a quantité de massacres, mais peu...
[read full article]There are very few genocides in contemporary history. There are a great many massacres but, fortunately, very...
[read full article]The below text, by Thomas S. Kaplan and Bernard-Henri Lévy, declares the creation of Justice for Kurds...
[read full article]«Qui se souvient encore du massacre des Arméniens ?» lança Hitler à ses généraux, à la veille...
[read full article]The below text, by Thomas S. Kaplan and Bernard-Henri Lévy, declares the creation of Justice for Kurds...
[read full article]It really is an axis of evil. This week, The Times reported that United Nations investigators have...
[read full article]There will be more ceasefires in Eastern Ghouta and more violations thereof. More resolutions from the United...
[read full article]Why do the Kurds and their struggles arouse so little interest or sympathy or solidarity around the...
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