Kurdistan on the Sèvres Centenary: How a Distinct People Became the World’s Largest Stateless Nation

Loqman RadpeyUniversity of Edinburgh, School of Law, Edinburgh, ScotlandEmail: l.radpey@ed.ac.uk https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/nationalities-papers/article/abs/kurdistan-on-the-sevres-centenary-how-a-distinct-people-became-the-worlds-largest-stateless-nation/A8A41F9088ABB9443BCEFF51EAAEC76D AbstractIn August 1920, the political fate of the Kurdish nation, along with its territory, Kurdistan, were on the line,after the Allies asserted their interest in national rights to self-determination following World War I. Underthe Treaty of Sèvres, Kurds were acknowledged as an ethno-political entity in the Wilsonian perspective,yet the ideal of self-determination failed to crystallize as a...

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Spain to open its consulate general in Erbil, newly appointed ambassador says

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Spain is preparing to open a consulate general in the Kurdistan Region’s capital Erbil, the country’s newly inaugurated ambassador, Pedro Martinez-Avial, told Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Thursday. Prime Minister Barzani received the Spanish diplomat in Erbil. They discussed bilateral relations between Kurdistan Region and Spain, particularly in trade and investment sectors, according to a press release from Barzani’s office. Martinez-Avial, expressed his country’s...

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