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Bernard Henri-Lévy as an advocate for the Kurdish cause on CNN


Bernard-Henri Lévy, Justice for Kurds’ President was invited yesterday in Fareed Zakaria show: The Global Public Square (GPS), where are invited experts to share their valuable views and opinions on various foreign affairs and important world events affecting the lives of people. 

Bernard Henri-Lévy came to talk about intervening in crisis and the responsibility of Western powers in Middle East, speaking from his many experiences on the ground, surrounded by the Kurds, related in his two documentary films Peshmerga and The Battle of Mosul. 

Bernard-Henri Lévy, presents himtself, on CNN, as a strong advocate of the Kurdish cause. 

Fareed Zakaria : “For you, the abandonment of the Kurds and Trump’s announcement of withdrawal from Syria, is the final capstone. And you see this as a pro-American, pro-liberal, pro-democratic group in the hard of the Middle East that the west supported, encouraged, sustained and now has betrayed’’

Bernard Henri-Lévy : “Number one, they were our best allies in the area, our boots on the ground. And I now that, I was with them, embedded in their elite troops when I made my commentary movie about the Peshmerga. 

Number two , they embodied the Islam with the entire world wishes. When we say: democratic Islam, enlighten Islam, an Islam that practices equality between men and women, it is embodied somewhere, with the Kurds. 

It is a real democratic people and we betrayed them, when I saw that, I was on the ground when the Iran militias crashed the Kurds and when America said to Iran: go on, proceed, we give you on a silver plate our best allies and your enemy and this was the starting point of my book. Sometimes you have the impression that the puzzle of the world suddenly goes into an order, that is clear, I have this impression in Kurdistan, in Kirkuk when there was this battle of Kirkuk.’’ 


“We have an example of people on the Middle East, muslim and democrats, practicing human rights, matching with our values, so the mess is not a fatality, these Kurdish ladies and men do fight for themselves and for us, for their own family and our values. This is what I show in my movies. In my four movies, I show two things :

– How it is in the DNA, alas, of democracies to abandon their friends not to be brotherly enough.

– How in the case of the Kurds and of the people of Sarajevo, you can have brillant people emerging from mess, from night and from chaos and building something which looks like a democracy.’’

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